Thursday, November 26, 2009

How can you remove coarse white/grey hairs on neck/throat area?

I have been plucking these little hormonal hairs on my neck for years...naughty I know. But now they have turned grey/white and I heard that you can't get them removed by laser when that happens...and now I'm really sick of plucking and I want to use something to get rid of them...and the unfortunate scarring from plucking all these years. Does anyone know of any product that can help? Cheers

How can you remove coarse white/grey hairs on neck/throat area?

Maybe you could use some at home waxing strips. Sally Hansen brand has some pretty decent pre-waxed strips... maybe they'll work!

How can you remove coarse white/grey hairs on neck/throat area?

TWEEZIE! its a new brand of tweezer that gets hairs down to the root so they take like two weeks to grow back so u dont have to pluck as much. i know this from experience

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