Sunday, June 20, 2010

Any tips on black hair care?

i want my hair to look as much as a white girls as possible. i just love the bounce and how shiny white ppls hair is. it goes to my shoulders and im thinking about straughtening it. is there andything i can use to keep stimulating the growth?

Any tips on black hair care?

Condition, condition, condition.

Also, leave the relaxing to a professional.

Any tips on black hair care?

Straighten your hair and also deep condition your hair at least once a week.

Any tips on black hair care?

when you wash your hair always massage your scalp for about 5 minute's... braid at night during sleep. the pulling and the massaging stimulates your scalp and increases growth faster...I know this because my mother is a cosmetology teacher

Any tips on black hair care?

read tips on hair straightening and haircare to help you more on this site

Any tips on black hair care?

White? Girl have some self respect!

Black women can have long, beautiful, and bouncy hair! I do!

I don't use grease, it weights it down, what you need is oil, water, a good shampoo and conditioner.

Any tips on black hair care?

get a wig

obviously you are not happy with what you got.

It will never get to that point.

Any tips on black hair care?

What kind of hair do you have?

If it's typical black hair, you're just going to have to get weave. I know girls who want to grow their hair long, but it just starts breaking and falling out. You're not going to get it, sorry, hun.

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