Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm 26yrs,male,suffering from white hairs.Whats the solution?

We won't discuss how old I am.

When I was 18, my girlfriend thought it was cute to count my gray hairs. (Stop counting!) When a stylist noted the "snow on the roof" (her term, not mine,) we went with a shade of dye lighter than my natural color. Miracle job.

My mother, who's been entirely gray since she was 26, has been dying her hair for decades. She stopped.

As I get ready to play with the best offerings of the local drug store, I have to wonder when I'm going to stop bothering.

I still have my hair, which is a major irritation to some friends about your age. They wish they had hair enough to have the problem of grey hair. I really shouldn't have called one guy Friar Tuck, he didn't take it well, the black eye took about a week to heal.

Without any medical basis, our hair turns gray as we age. Where they show up is more disturbing the older we get. It's sort of like puburty, it's not something you expected, or really wanted, but it's happening whether you like it or not.

It's a part of life. Dye them, or accept your age. With a baseball cap I still get ID'd for snuff, and praise any god that's listening for the fact that I still have my hair when the 28 year old next to me has shaved his head to hide male pattern baldness.

From experience, let me tell you that it's a bad idea to show up at a reunion and and refer to someone as "Fryer Tuck." (Thus the black eye.) Particularly not if you've got most of your hair, and have recently seen a stylist to make it look like you don't have any gray hair.


I'm 26yrs,male,suffering from white hairs.Whats the solution?

dye your hair?

I'm 26yrs,male,suffering from white hairs.Whats the solution?

Grecian formula or shoe polish! Pick your poison!

I'm 26yrs,male,suffering from white hairs.Whats the solution?

Lady clairol.

I'm 26yrs,male,suffering from white hairs.Whats the solution?


I'm 26yrs,male,suffering from white hairs.Whats the solution?

Dye them your natural color.

I'm 26yrs,male,suffering from white hairs.Whats the solution?

use hair dye

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